Monday, December 27, 2010

A Still Monday

I'm continuing today with the Multitudes on Mondays.  I have a feeling this list may be quite random, as my mind is all over the place this morning.  It's time to relax.  It's time to be still.  A week to go before we are all back to work and school, and I am so very thankful for that!  And now I need to make myself slow down, mentally as well as physically.  It's hard to shift gears sometimes!  But I want to go see a movie this week, go out to lunch with Brad, take the girls shopping to spend their gift cards, shuttle kids to doctor appointments....lots to do, but I want to do it with a calmer, slower pace inside myself.  I don't want this week to fly by and realize I never got to a place of being still.

Today I'm making a pot of ham-n-beans and a pan of cornbread.  And from there I'm going to try to be very creative with left-overs and do very little cooking.  I'm tired of being in my kitchen!  I'm sure you feel the same!

Onward with the gifts of thankfulness, even if scattered and random!

21.  Calm, slow days.
22.  Cereal in a box that counts as a meal.
23.  Left-over ham.
24.  Sitting down to read and falling asleep instead.
25.  The sound of steady rain.
26.  The smell of baking cinnamon rolls.
27.  Friendly smiles from strangers.
28.  Fuzzy, warm socks.
29.  Closing my eyes at night knowing it's not my alarm that will wake me up.
30.  Restraint when I want to speak my mind.
31.  Boldness when I need to speak my mind.
32.  Forgiveness when I confuse #30 and #31.
33.  Someone else cooking for me, and in that finding a new recipe I love ~ thanks, Rick!
34.  TVs on all the cardio machines.
35.  Content kids.
36.  Finding humor in silliness.
37.  Christmas lights.
38.  The temporariness of colds.
39.  Soft tissues.
40.  The warmth of holding a hot mug.  The beverage inside doesn't matter.  Just love that warmth.
41.  The soft cheek of my littlest.
42.  Christmas tree skirt handprints.
43.  A clean car.
44.  A clean dog.
45.  Holding the hand of the man I love.
46.  And that love mixed with laughter gets you to happily ever-after!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, and the picture, and winter break, and the fact that you are making a yummy yummy YUMMy dessert for Friday....
