Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cats Fights and Sweet Temptations

Last night I was awake from 2:30 to 5:00 in the morning.  I didn't want to be.  Long story.  Boring story.  I now should be in bed, relieving my burning eyes with the only thing that will soothe them:  sleep.  But my cat got into a HUGE fight in my backyard.  They jumped a fence to continue the fight in the greenbelt.  Then jumped another fence into our neighbors yard.  Then onto my neighbors ROOF!  Oh, my.  The yowling and the tumbling across the roof...I think I will owe my neighbors an apology tomorrow.  Maybe in the form of something baked.  And so now I sit here hoping my cat will stand down and return home so I can assess the damage.  He's a tough boy, I think he's fine, but I want to see for myself. 

And I really wanted some dessert tonight.  I got a little hungry.  Then I started in with the craving.  Then the cat fight.  Then the thought that I should bake something tomorrow.  Then more cravings.  Then I wasted some time on Pinterest.  And that's where craving and weakness collided into honest-to-goodness salivating.  Take a look:

yes, please!

the genius of a S'More Cupcake.  YES!

Chocolate No-Bakes.  Mmm-hmm.

I typically shy away from chocolate/fruit combos, but this looks so fun and so yummy.  Imagine it with a vanilla pudding dipping sauce ~ like a fondue!  Yum!

And just to prove I'm not too narrow-minded when it comes to dessertness, this made me go "ooooooh" too! It's almost time for these!  And they are not nearly as good with non-fat milk. Go for the 2%.

And I simply love this.  I didn't so much find my big girl panties tonight as I simply do not have the above items in stock.  And it's so late, I can't do anything about it.

And this is so sweet, I think I need to make myself this and have it in my kitchen.  Sweetness without the calories.

And the cat came back just as I finished this!  Yay!  Nary a scratch on him that I can find, but his eyes are as wide as saucers and he is a bit on-edge.  I think I'll head to bed and sleep peacefully.


  1. Poor Edgar! Watch in the next day or two for any absesses to show up. It always took a couple of days to see the "war wounds" on Corbu when he had been in a fight. Give that kitty a squeeze, but not too hard, for me! Love that cat!

  2. Really nice cupcake quote, and I completely agree with you for your idea, it would be nice as a picture in kitchen. Gotta put it in my kitchen, too.
    Have a nice weekend.

  3. Really nice cupcake quote, and I completely agree with you for your idea, it would be nice as a picture in kitchen. Gotta put it in my kitchen, too.
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Really nice cupcake quote, and I completely agree with you for your idea, it would be nice as a picture in kitchen. Gotta put it in my kitchen, too.
    Have a nice weekend.
