Friday, March 20, 2009

Flashback Friday

First of all, Happy 1st Day of Spring!! Here's a picture that shows Spring trying to arrive at my house...

My pussy willow tree is trying so very hard. It has carried on its plan despite all our crazy March snow. And I'm officially putting away my heavy winter jacket today. I may be shivering at the bus stop next week, but that's just tough. After all, it's Spring!

Now, onto the reason for this post...Flashback Friday!

Here we go back to Spring 2001. This story is so Brenna.

I have to share some background information on Brenna for this story to be fully appreciated. She's always had a way of stumbling into interesting "owies". If there was a wall, Brenna could find a way to bump into it. If there was a piece of lint on the carpet, Brenna could trip over it. The door that goes out to our backyard has been the same door since we moved into this house. And yet every time Brenna walked through the door, it was as if she was walking on foreign ground. She tripped on that door jam just about every time she walked through. At 3, we took her to the eye doctor, thinking she must have a depth perception problem that caused all the bumping and tripping. After a thorough exam, the doctor said, with great kindness, "Well, her eyes are just fine. I guess she is officially just clumsy."

Often we would be having dinner at the table together, Brenna sitting in her chair. No obvious wiggling or squirming. And then, out of nowhere, Brenna would just fall from her chair. All we'd see is a blond ponytail flipping over the table as her body disappeared from view. After the first several times, we didn't even react. It became as common as someone asking for seconds. We never did figure out how she managed to fall out of her chair so often. So, with all that in mind...enjoy the flashback:

Brenna came to find me, and said, "Mommy, I think I hooot my nose. Is it bweeding?" I turned around to see this:

Oh, how I wish this picture did this nose more justice. Sure enough, Brenna had a big rug burn on the bridge of her nose. "What happened, Brenna??" Here's her response, in her sweet 3-year-old speech:

"I was cwalling awound on da gwound, pushing my nose all ova, and when I stood up, I had dis big owie!"

I know, the normal follow up would have been "why??". But this was not even necessary with Brenna. An unusual owie was not unusual for Brenna. In the following days, we would hear, "What happened to your nose?" We'd reply, "A rug burn." Those that knew Brenna didn't even bat an eye. Those that didn't, we didn't bother to try to explain.

She has learned to control her body more as she's grown. But we still have the occasional incident. It's just become an endearing part of our endearing middle child. Ya gotta wuv dat gil.

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