Sunday, January 11, 2009

VICTORY!! (Times 2!!)

Evan just left...he got 3! Ew! Traps re-set. More to come? Or should I say more to leave? We'll see...

Woo-hoo!! Come on, say it with me! "Woo-hoo!!!" We got 'em. At least 2 of them. I'm sorry if the picture is too graphic, but a victory is so much better when it's shared! And to appreciate this victory, you need to appreciate the grotesque-ness of our enemy. If you have it in you to look closely at the picture, check out what a perfect snap the trap made!

Brad had to go under the house this afternoon to replace one of the vent covers that is only accessible by going under. That's how we found the good news. Our pest guy, Evan, comes back in the morning to remove them and reset all the traps. They will continue to trap for the next few weeks just in case there are any more. The buggers.

Someday in heaven, I'm going to sit down and share a meal with Noah. I'm so intrigued by him. He did what everyone else thought was crazy, simply out of obedience. He just trusted and obeyed, despite the ridicule he must have faced. I want to hear more about that. I want to talk to someone with a mind intricate enough to build something greater than we can even imagine, and simple enough to take the Lord at His word and just do what he was told to do. He must have had a very intellectual mind, to do something so involved. I'm picturing him a brilliant yet simple man. And after I've soaked up all his story has, I will end with this question, "Mr. Noah," (first-name basis seems somehow disrespectful to a man who "found favor in the eyes of the Lord") "Mr. Noah, please tell me why you didn't slam the hatch of the ark just before the rats boarded. I mean, really. Rats???"

And I'm so sorry to mix Jack Bauer with the topics of rats, but we are so excited that "24" is back on starting tonight! Welcome back, Jack! We are recording it to watch at an uninterrupted time, hopefully sometime this week. Love 24. If you haven't seen it, check it out. We have all the seasons on dvd, we got hooked on it a bit late in the game. But now we are caught up and oh-so-curious what this season will bring. Tony Almeida is back...I'm so curious...

There. I've ended on a more pleasant note. Thanks for sharing our victory!


  1. Okay, if only I could write in a really big big big font. Here goes my victory cry with you in a smallish font...


    I think the trap was appropriately named "Victor", because that is you. The rats is the "loser"!

    Thanks for the wonderfully graphic picture. It satisfies my curiosity and it gave me the full impact of the thrilling victory!

  2. YEAH CARLSON FAMILY! Two less rats out from under the house! How exciting! Did you have rattitouie for dinner that night? Just kidding, that would be kind of gross! I totally agree on the Noah thing. And why on earth did he have to let misquetoes live?

  3. Sorry! I ment 3 rats!
