Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Red Jacket and Red Jersey

This is the time of year for endings and goodbyes. I don't like this part. The end of a school year means I have to admit that my kids are a year older. I don't like that part.

But saying goodbye to things means some more open spaces on the calendar. I do like this part. And the end of a school year means we get to take a breather from evenings filled with homework and rushed mornings and tight attentions to so many details. I do like that part.

Here are two things we've said goodbye to recently...

First, the red jacket. It struck me as that concert drew near that it was the last time Alex would wear this jacket, the last time he would play for Mr. Allison. Now, Alex won't miss wearing the jacket, but he will miss Mr. Allison. Here's a rare picture of Alex with both instruments...the odd smile is due to extreme parental embarrassment at...gasp!...his parents actually wanting a picture of their son.

And the other goodbye goes to the red jersey. We are still a bit sad at this goodbye. I don't think we are ever quite ready to say goodbye to a baseball season, but this year is especially hard because this team is officially done playing together after some great years. Who knows what the future holds, but we were aware last night that it's possible that was the last baseball game for Alex. His team made it to the championship game, and lost last night to take 2nd place. Still a great end to a great season. Someone I know maybe was up to bat with the bases loaded and 2 outs...fouled off a couple...one would have been a great drop in to left field that may have scored a couple runs...brought it to a full count...then struck out to end the game. That stings. But, that one at bat does not define his season. That memory will fade, and we will be left with a season full of great memories with a group of great boys.

1 comment:

  1. What will the new color be?

    Michael Scofield is the lead character on Prison Break. I actually like Prison Break better than 24. There were only four seasons and the last season was just released... I'm waiting for it to go on sale so I can see how the series ends.
