Sunday, November 6, 2011

Birthday Sweetness for My Third Sweetie

My baby girl...BABY GIRL...turned 11 years old today.  Oh, this one makes life so much fun!  From the moment she came into the world with great urgency until this very day, she has not wanted to miss a moment of life!  She is a loving, tenacious, vivacious, compassionate, kind, adventurous, smart, funny, beautiful, thoughtful, creative, energetic, determined young lady.  I love her so much!


It is so much fun to be your mommy!  You make things interesting every single day.  You keep me on my toes.  You love me with your words and your actions.  You care deeply and love passionately.  You are so very strong, and yet tender, tender, tender on the inside.  You are quick to say you are sorry, and you are quick to forgive.  You love to learn, love to ask questions, love to truly understand.  You encourage and praise with great generosity.  You have great compassion for people.  You pray well and listen well.  You praise and worship with great love.

You were made for great things, Beth!  I'm so excited to watch you grow and mature into such a beautiful, strong girl.  It is going to be so much fun to watch you chase after whatever the Lord has for you.  You are so full of LIFE ~ what a joy!

Keep on praying, keep on praising, keep on loving!

I love you with all of my heart, and it is such a joy to be your mommy!

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

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