Saturday, May 19, 2012

Shining On Stage As A Hot Box Girl!

My sweet girl, who has said for years how much fun she thinks acting would be, finally got her chance on the stage!  The last few weeks have been one big lump of reward for a girl who stepped out with courage and decided to just do it!  She danced on the line of whether or not to try this, wondered (out loud) how embarrassing it would be, whether or not she was good enough, if it would be worth the mortifying experience of the audition.  We encouraged her, letting her decide for herself.  She told me back in February how she always wanted to be a flapper girl in the 1st grade Valentine program, but was too shy to say she wanted to do it.  She calls that decision her "biggest regret" of elementary school.  So I told her it would be a shame to let not trying this be the biggest regret of middle school.  And she went for it...

To try out for Guys and Dolls, she had to sing a solo in front of the people who were running this and all the other kids who were auditioning.  And she's not a girl who likes solos.  Or singing in front of people.  And then she had to do a dance in front of them.  She was fine with that part, mostly thanks to her confidence from cheer.  But she did the comfortable and uncomfortable, and I'm so proud of her for just doing that much.

Then she got the role she really hoped to get...a Hot Box Girl!  Woo-Hoo!

The performances?  I had no idea how much I'd love them.  Brenna is just a ham.  So much more than I ever expected.  I knew she had it in her, I've seen her silliness around the house with her sister.  But to do THAT on stage??  And she loved every minute of it.  She danced and sang and was so hilariously expressive...she just cracked me up.  My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing by the time it was over.  All the kids were amazing.  So fun and inspiring to see the amount of talent that lies in these kids.

Thursday night was the first performance, and we were responsible for her hair and make-up.  They wanted Brenna to have BIG 50's hair.  And bright make-up.  Bright red lips.  After searching and realizing we had no idea how to do the big hair, we called in the pro:

My sweet Marlece came over and made Brenna's hair BIG!  And no, there is nothing underneath that bump...just a ratted nest of teased hair!  Brenna's Gramma Kay would be so proud of the hair teasing that went on!

The finished product!

And then in was performance time!  These are pictures from the last performance.  And we weren't allowed to use flash photography, so the pictures aren't great.  But you can get an idea of the fun that Brenna had...

Singing "I Love You, A Bushel And A Peck"

Gaby as Arvide, singing her beautiful solo

The Mission

"Sit down You're Rockin' the Boat!"

Closing number "Guys and Dolls"

Beautiful girl, shining from the inside out!

A guy and three dolls.
(Sorry, couldn't resist!)

Getting congrats (and Reese's Pieces!) from Julia.

Miss Adelaide, Arvide and the cutest Hot Box Girl!
(Kate, Gaby, and Brenna)

And then the aftermath...

This is the undoing of the up-do that we had to sort out both nights.  It was a ratted mess, and hilarious to try to put back down!

Brenna did so great that the director invited her to come be a part of Annie this summer!

So proud of you, Brenna!  Great job stepping out, being courageous, and making us LAUGH!!  You are beautiful from the inside out, and I love bet your pretty neck I do!!! 


  1. Thank you for allowing me to be apart, it was such an honor. You are an amazing girl there Miss Brenna, way to put yourself out there and SHINE!!

    Hmmmmm.....Annie, shall I get the 'red' can of color out?

  2. I'm so glad you posted the rats nest under her hair! That is CRAZY! I love Brenna a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck! Bravo!!!
