Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Recipes For Mother's Day

One of my absolute favorite parts of my job is working with the little kindergarten munchkins.  They are (mostly) the sweetest, funniest, most endearing little people.  This week they have been very busy preparing for Mother's Day.  They are working feverishly on the play they are putting on for their moms, decorating placemats and invitations with reckless abandon.

One of the special things they were asked to do was tell us their mom's favorite thing to eat, then tell us how to make it.  We wrote it down just as they told it to us.  I believe I could interview kinders every day of my working life and find joy in it.  They are so hilarious.

So I thought I would share a few of their culinary inspirations, just in case you may be needing some ideas of what to eat on Mother's Day!

Fruit Salad

1 piece of lettuce
ranch dressing ~ everywhere
4 red potatoes ~ cut into slices
1 pear ~ cut up

Put lettuce around the bowl.  Put red potatoes in a smaller circle around the lettuces.  Then make another circle with the pear.  Put ranch dressing everywhere.  Then you just eat it!

Starbucks and Donuts

6 pieces of bread

Put something yummy to stick the bread together (like sugar with some syrup).  Put brown and colorful sprinkles on top.  Cook it a little cold and a little hot in an oven.  Go to Starbucks drive-thru and get the coffee.  Put whipped cream in the coffee.

Chocolate Covered Donuts

1 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups of chocolate

Mix it all together.  Dip the donuts in chocolate.  Cook it on a cookie sheet for 25 minutes.  Pick it up with your fingers and eat it.  My mom likes to drink coffee with her donuts!

Chocolate Brownies and Coke

1 box brownie mix
2 cups water
2 eggs
2 cans of Coke (one for now and one for later)

Mix brownie mix, water, and eggs together.  Put into a square pan and bake in the oven.  Bake for 9 minutes and 10 seconds at 5 degrees.  Let them sit on the stove and walk around the school while they cool.  Mom likes to drink coke with her brownies.


5 flat noodles
1 can of red potato sauce
56 handfuls of cheese
29 pounds of crumbly sausage

Cook noodles in oven at 50 degrees for 5 hours.  Cook sausage in a pan until it smells done (about 5 minutes).  Layer up the noodles, sausage and cheese into 2 layers.  us a paint brush and paint all the noodles with butter.


2 drops of syrup
jar of spices

Go catch a salmon at the lake, either on a boat or on your feet.  Put the salmon in the refrigerator and wait for Spring.  Put the salmon in a 50 degree oven.  Cook for 1/2 hour.  Make a sauce with syrup and 5 seconds of spices.  Put sauce on the plate and then put the salmon on top of it.  Give it to my mom with some salad.

Cherry Cake

4 red cherries
1 cup baking powder
2 whole eggs
a little bit of milk
blue frosting

Mix all of that together in a mixing bowl (not the cherries).  Bake in an oven on 4 degrees for 1 hour.  Put cherries on top in shape of a smiley face.  Serve it in a pan.

(And I must end with a chocolate chip cookie recipe.  Apparently I've been doing it wrong all these years!)

Chocolate Chip Cookies

20 chocolate chips
3 cups milk
1 loaf of bread

Cut up the bread and mix it with the rest.  Spread out the dough on a big tray.  Put it in the oven at 70 degrees for maybe 34 minutes.  You let them cool off first and then you can eat them.

***If you are now inspired to make some chocolate chip cookies, Safeway now has Nestle chocolate chips (all varieties) on sale for $1.99!  Stock up!

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