Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Things You Might Hear in the Forest...

Here are the pictures of our completed tree: 

Our inspiration.

Isn't this great?  Love the reference to the Lion and the Lamb.

All the finishing touches are done, all the planning and "what about..." thoughts are done.  All the clean-up is done.  The blister from the hot glue gun incident is healing.  The scrapes and pokes from all the wires are healing.  Now we get to take in the beauty of it, knowing all that went on behind the scenes to make it happen.  And we get to wait for the gala and the news of how much money the tree takes in at the auction.

Some notes about the "behind the scenes":

When did we start brainstorming this tree?  Oh, about a year ago while we were setting up our "Visions of Sugar Plums" tree last year.  Brenda bought the big ornaments about 4 years ago at an after-Christmas sale.  She has been wanting to do something with "brights" for 4 years.  Talking and brainstorming and talking brought us around to "All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures Great and Small". 

Why do I have scrapes and pokes from wires?  Because everything you see on that tree has to be wired to the branches.  Every little thing.  Every big thing.  Everything but the ting-ting.  (I think I see a tree theme in that, Brenda...).  Anyway, it is all wired on so that when the tree is transported to the purchaser all those things are more likely to arrive safely and in the right space.

What kinds of things do tree designers say as they are setting up their trees?  Oh, this is a good one.  I tell you what, we heard some sentences on Sunday that you would truly not expect to hear anywhere.  We literally took notes on some of those things because we knew we were listening to things that were great material.  At least great material for a blog post.  Here is a sampling:

"Oh, here's another box of Eiffel Towers!"

"Well, we initially were going to decorate the urologists' tree..."

Multiple times we heard, as people watched our ornaments start to go on:
"Wow, those are some big balls!"

(This is what they were referring to.)

"Look how pretty it is when you make your eyes all squinty!"  (And that is true!  If you go to the Forest, or even looking at your own Christmas tree, squint up your eyes to make it all blury, and see how pretty it is!!)

So, 2009 Christmas Forest is a success!  We are already stirring around an idea for 2010...

But for now, we'll enjoy the satisfaction of a job well-done, and complete!

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