
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hot Dogs and Dehydrated Frogs

It's hot. H.O.T. Even with our little AC window unit (which I am so thankful for) and lots of fans, the nights are getting uncomfortable. Just too hot. I'm so hoping the cool-down on Saturday is bigger than they are forecasting...but for today we are just a bit too warm. So what are the latest signs that it is too hot??

How about a hot dog? He happily gnaws on chunks of ice throughout the day to stay cool...

And how about a dehydrated frog? We found this little guy on our pool cover this morning. Beth is convinced he was suffering from dehydration because of his whitish coloring. So she quickly dunked him into the dog's water bucket. After his coloring started to improve, she put him up in a nice shady tree. Frog rescue. Just another day in the life of Beth.

The kids' route to cooling off? Alex is at the lake today with a big group and the girls are back in the pool, where they have spent hours this week. And I am debating whether it's worth it to run today. Even in my air-conditioned family room. I feel a bit like a slug. And slugs aren't the greatest runners. Probably their absence of legs or something.

And what better excuse for this than an extreme heat wave??

Hope you all are staying cool...


  1. can now relate to the weather we live in about 4 to 5 months a year. Yes, we have a/c but that costs $$$$...So glad to see the girls in the pool. So much fun to be a kid! Love the homemade ice cream idea. I have not tried that. What recipes do you like making the most?
    Hope it cools off for all of you soon!

  2. Ben is trying to convince me that we should move to your side of the state so he can escape the heat and live in the rain for awhile. I guess there is no escaping it!
